Designer Shoes, Clothes, Bags, how about Designer Babies?

on Tuesday, February 1, 2011
    In 2004 the term “designer baby” has been moved to the Oxford English Dictionary, with the definition of “a baby whose genetic makeup  has been artificially selected by genetic engineering combined with in vitro fertilization to ensure the presence or absence of particular  genes or  characteristics.” Advanced reproductive technologies allow parents to screen embryos for genetic disorders and pick out healthy ones. The term is only used by journalists and media and not by scientists.  
      How exactly those this theory work? The techniques involve using In Vitro Fertilisation or IVF to fertilize eggs with sperm in test-tubes outside of the mother’s body. This allows doctors and parents to reduce the chance that a child will be born with a genetic sickness. At the moment there are two legally possible ways to carry out this procedure on humans. The first is associated with choosing the type of sperm that will fertilize the egg, this determines the sex and the genes of the baby. The second way screens the embryos for a genetic disease, and only the healthy ones are implanted back into the mother’s womb which is referred to as Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD).
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    Washington Post states, "Some worry that the technique could be used to hunt for the rapidly growing list of genetic markers that merely signal an increased risk for cancer, diabetes, mental illness, obesity, addiction and other conditions later in life. Someday, similar tests could perhaps even vet fetuses for traits associated with beauty, personality or intelligence."

    I think that the ethical issues would be way more complex than people think. What if parents can use Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis to avoid having kids with attention-deficit disorder? The dignity of the child being born or is it just a cure for another child? 

    In some cases, some couples are not able to have children, or short on survival, or have a genetic disease. If we can prevent certain genetic diseases to be passed down then it would save both the child from suffering and the cost of taking care of the child. Is this right though?

    If Genetic Engineering (a direct manipulation of an organism's genes) is accepted it will clearly have a negative impact on the society. It will increase fear and hatred towards foreigners or anyone who appears different, and be socially rejected. This is also going to rise the issue of money. These procedures are pretty expensive, should only rich people have the access to such methods? People unable to afford genetic engineering will be looked down upon.

    In my opinion, we are going to get carried away by creating “perfectly and correctly” babies? The Fertility Institutes says they will soon be able to offer the ability to screen their embryos for eye color, hair color, and complexion. Sooner or later we will be adding artificial genes… At the end we can’t control everything and we need to let nature take its way.

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Word Count: 493
“Critical Health Information or Designer Babies? Where Will New Genetic Testing Lead? “ Shannon LC Cate. Oct 27 2008. Jan 31 2011.
“Designer Babies: Ethical Considerations”. Nicholas Agar. American Institute of Biological Sciences. 2000-2011. Jan 31 2011.
 “Designer Babies: Ethical Issues”. Puja Lalwani. . 2000-2010. Jan 31 2011.
“What is a Designer Baby?”. Bionet. 2002. Jan 31 2011.

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